Sunday Service
10:30 am
Where Faith in Jesus Runs Deep.
Something for everyone.

Children's Ministry
Children's Ministries are an active and vital part of DRW. Children's Church services are held twice a month during our Sunday worship services. Another program, Kids Club, meets for special sessions during the school year where children ages Preschool through 6th Grade have fun and learn about God's love for them. Weekly club includes games, stories, crafts, snacks and much more. Special activities through the year include holiday parties, Grandparent's Night, and packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Please check back often for more details. For more information, please call the church office or email drw.kidsclub@gmail.com.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Our youth and young adults are very important to us. We have various programs and special events throughout the year that keep them engaged, teach Biblical principles and allow them to just have fun.

Women's Ministry
Here at DRW, we realize the importance of women gathering together to fellowship, pray and develop friendships. Our ministries include a Bible Study on Monday evening (the first and third of the month), a fall retreat, and various other fun and inspiring meetings that happen throughout the year. Check our calendar for upcoming women's events.

Sunday School
Sunday School for adults, youth and children offer additional opportunities for learning, fellowship and spiritual growth. Classes meet from 9:15 - 10:15 AM from September to June, prior to the worship service. Greeters are available at the door for directions and details.